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When you donate an organ, you donate life!

Sexual Violence: Be an ally for survivors.

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Colorectal Cancer

Keep your teeth strong and your smile bright!

What is Heart Disease?

Cervical Cancer Can Be Ended in the US and Around the World

January is Blood Donor Awareness Month

HEP Brochure Spanish

World Aids Day

HEP Brochures

Lung Cancer Awareness

Diabetes Awareness

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Yes On NY Prop 1

How To Register To Vote After A Felony Conviction

Breast Cancer Screenings

Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

How the Affordable Care Act Helps You

August Immunization Month (ENG)

Register to Vote in New York State 2024

Regístrese para votar en el estado de Nueva York 2024

Stand Up to Gun Violence

2025 State Budget Breakdown

Salud Mental Materna

Maternal Mental Health

Junio es el Mes de la Salud de los Hombres

Manténgase Seguro Bajo el Sol

Stay Safe In The Sun

May is Mental Health Month

Mayo es el Mes de la Salud Mental

Changes to Medicaid Coverage are Coming

Is it RSV, Covid, or the Flu?

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

Cholesterol: What is it and how do I manage it?

The Inflation Reduction Act Is a Gamechanger – Here’s how it helps you

What to Know About The New BA.5 Omicron Subvariant

Lo Que Necesita Saber Sobre La Nueva Subvariante Omicron BA.5

Tell Congress to Cut Drug Prices Now!

Tell Congress to Extend ACA Subsidies Now!

5 Datos Sobre la Enfermedad de Células Falciformes

5 Facts About Sickle Cell Disease

Hoja Informativa: Enfermedad de Células Falciformes

Fact Sheet: Sickle Cell Disease

Hágase la prueba para saber si tiene la enfermedad o el rasgo de células falciformes

Get Screened to Know Your Sickle Cell Status

THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN: Individual and Family Relief



NY Vaccine Education

Holiday During COVID: How to Celebrate Responsibly and Stay Safe

President Trump’s Executive Action: Too Little or Nothing At All!

COVID-19: HEROES Act versus the HEALS Act

Medicaid Promise Principles

Cáncer: ¿Cómo Puedo Reducir El Riesgo?

Cancer: How Can I Lower My Risk?

el Día Nacional de la Prueba del VIH

National HIV Testing Day

Mes Nacional para Donar Vida

National Donate Life Month



February American Heart Month

January Blood Donor

December Influenza Vaccine Week

Get Fit Challenge

August Immunization Month (ESP)

Organ Donation

Mi Salud, Mi Voz: Mi diario de salud personal

My Health, My Voice: My Personal Health Journal

Report Card On The Republican Health Care “Plan”

Introducing the Essential Plan: Lower Cost Health Insurance

Five reasons to get your flu shot

Sugary Drinks FAQ

Confronting Ebola: Keeping NY Patients and Healthcare Workers Safe and Healthy

Managed Long-Term Care: An FAQ