Our Work on The Ground

Medicaid Equity

In 2023, the Healthcare Education Project initiated The New York Alliance for Healthcare Justice, a coalition of frontline caregivers, faith leaders, and community health and patient advocates fighting for Medicaid […]

NY Vaccination Education

HEP has launched an Instagram account (@NY_Vaccine_Ed) that will be a one-stop shop for accessible and up-to-the-minute information on the COVID-19 vaccine roll out for all New Yorkers. From the latest news on new vaccination […]

Breast Cancer Awareness

HEP launched a breast cancer awareness campaign around New York State to inform the public about the state’s free breast cancer screenings initiative and to drive calls to the state’s […]

Ebola Educational Event

The Healthcare Education Project and the Partnership for Quality Care held an Ebola educational session for healthcare workers, both clinical and non-clinical, in 2014 attended by over 5,000 healthcare workers and streamed live to healthcare workers around the country.

ACA Community Forums

HEP  organizes community forums  where questions from community members on the ACA and the marketplace are addressed. During the enrollment period, navigators are present on site to help people sign […]

King v. Burwell Presentations

In 2015, HEP organized an evening of presentations and discussions on King v. Burwell, the Supreme Court case examining the constitutionality of the subsidies in the Affordable Care Act.

ACA Canvass

HEP led a door-to-door canvass in New York City to reach the uninsured prior to the ACA enrollment deadline of March 2014. The canvas identified over 7,000 uninsured individuals and […]

Health Insurance Marketplace

Starting in 2013, HEP has led a coalition to organize enrollment summits in eight regions around New York State, and one statewide summit in New York City for a range […]

Forums on Sugary Drinks

HEP has co-sponsored dozens of forums on sugary drinks in New York City and several upstate cities, partnering with educational institutions, healthcare institutions, churches and community centers. Sugary drinks are […]

Medicaid Redesign Team

In 2011, HEP ran a successful statewide campaign in support of the recommendations of New York’s Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) to improve the health of New Yorkers, enhance the patient […]

Protecting Hospitals and Nursing Homes

Through numerous statewide campaigns, HEP has helped protect New York’s hospitals and nursing homes from billions of dollars in proposed state funding cuts.

Family Health Plus

HEP led the fight to create New York’s groundbreaking Family Health Plus program, which provides comprehensive health insurance to approximately one million working New Yorkers, and is now a national […]


HEP was the driving force behind the enactment of the Healthcare Efficiency and Affordability Law (HEAL NY), which resulted in a $1 billion capital investment in New York State’s aging […]

Medicaid and Family Health Plus

HEP joined forces with over 50 organizations to urge state officials to provide low-income legal immigrants coverage under the state’s Medicaid and Family Health Plus programs.

Child Health Plus

In 2007, HEP successfully advocated for a dramatic expansion of Child Health Plus, New York State’s health insurance plan for children.

Graduate Medical Education

HEP constantly promotes the importance of graduate medical education funding to New York’s world-class teaching hospitals, which train tomorrow’s doctors.