Healthcare Education


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ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE? You must register by Oct. 9, 2020, to be eligible to vote in the Nov. 3, 2020, General Election. 1. Are you registered? Check by [...]


Categories :News
Interim guidance for in-person instruction at Pre-K to Grade 12 schools during the COVID-19 public health emergency Download PDF NYSDOH school reopening FAQs July 22, 2020 Download PDF US DOE [...]

If the Trump Admin Wins Its Lawsuit: Life Without the ACA

Categories :News
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is known for providing protections for pre-existing conditions and securing healthcare for more than 20 million Americans. However, the Trump Administration is supporting a lawsuit [...]

Hospital leaders warn of possible layoffs without federal support

Categories :Uncategorized , News

By Shannon Young 08/12/2020 03:39 PM EDT Hospital leaders warned Wednesday that, absent federal support to offset coronavirus-related revenue losses, facilities across New York could be forced to lay off […]

COVID-19: HEROES Act versus the HEALS Act

¡Haz el censo! 5 minutos ayuda a Nueva York a obtener la financiación que necesita.

Categories :Espańol , News
Te has contado?. El censo se está llevando a cabo en este momento y el conteo exacto de todos los residentes, ciudadanos y no ciudadanos, garantiza que nuestras comunidades reciban [...]

HEP statement on the second public health crisis: Racism

Categories :News
The Healthcare Education Project was created by 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East and the hospitals of New York to promote and protect access to high-quality, affordable healthcare for all New [...]

ACA: A hidden healthcare hero of the Covid-19 crisis

Categories :News
Today, May 6th, 2020, Democratic attorneys-general and the House of Representatives will present arguments defending the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) against a lawsuit brought by the Trump administration and Republicans [...]