January is Blood Donor Awareness Month—a good opportunity to highlight the importance of donating blood and the impact it can have on saving lives. The average adult has approximately 10 […]
Over the next decade, the country will face a serious shortage of up to 124,000 physicians – both primary care and specialty. A large number of physicians are nearing retirement […]
Our hospitals could face an estimated nearly $10 billion in cuts in 2021, in fee-for-service Medicare, if the Pay-As-You-Go cut takes effect at the end of this year. The Statutory […]
To be eligible to vote you must Be a United States citizen; Be 18 years old or older (you may pre-register at 16 or 17 but cannot vote until you […]
This weekend, the Senate voted to pass a historic bill. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is a victory for all who have fought for decades for lower prescription drug […]
We are urging Congress to pass, during the current legislative session, the Inflation Reduction Act. The bill addresses two critical healthcare issues that affect all Americans: the cost of prescription […]