What We Do


  • Protect the Affordable Care Act from efforts to repeal it
  • Protect Medicaid funding for hospitals that rely on Disproportionate Share Hospitals (DSH) funds to meet their service mission
  • Protect Medicare funding for Graduate Medical Education (GME) which funds hospitals – many in NY – to train doctors


  • Host public forums on major public health problems such as diabetes and its link to sugary drinks
  • Raise public awareness about health initiatives such as New York State’s free breast cancer screenings
  • Organize health fairs with the participation of local hospitals, health centers and community institutions
  • Host regional and statewide Affordable Care Act summits
  • Host clergy breakfasts for leaders of the faith community


  • Lobby for progressive healthcare legislation at the state and federal level such as
    • the HEAL NY law (Healthcare Efficiency and Affordability Law) which resulted in a $1 billion capital investment in
      the state’s aging and financially struggling healthcare facilities
    • Health coverage for low-income legal immigrants under the state’s Medicaid and Family Health Plus programs
  • Urge the reauthorization of the Children’s Health Insurance Program