In December 2016, HEP led a delegation of members of 1199SEIU from New York, Massachusetts, and Maryland to Washington, D.C. for meetings with their Congressional representatives. 1199 members who work in hospitals, nursing homes, and homecare facilities, among other healthcare institutions, shared their real concerns about an ACA repeal without an adequate replacement.They discussed how even with a phased-in repeal, there would be immediate consequences. Insurance rates could skyrocket, insurance markets would collapse and, importantly, millions would lose insurance coverage. Hospitals would close. Members urged their representatives to ensure a replacement plan was in place before any attempt to repeal the ACA. Such a plan must assure continued health insurance for the 22 million Americans, including children, and guarantee that all Americans with preexisting conditions could still obtain affordable health insurance.
Any plan would have to ensure that states continue to receive adequate Medicaid funding to cover working families and support long-term care for seniors and people with disabilities. Providers, including hospitals, should not face damaging cuts to Medicare payments that would impact their ability to provide medical education to train physicians.
Call Congress at 1-866-426-2631 and tell them to protect the ACA against any repeal without a proper replacement.
Get petitions signed by your block association in your Congressperson’s district and deliver them to his or her office.
Visit http://newyorkersforhealthcare.org to find out about ACA events in your community.