We need to ensure that every American who is insured can keep their coverage, and that major protections of the ACA continue to exist. HEP is working with communities on the ground in a number of ways.
Education and Action:
HEP continues to organize healthcare forums across the state. We bring information directly to communities through presentations by experts in the field. We work with community leaders including clergy, activists, and others to highlight healthcare issues that directly affect the communities they serve. We help organize and participate in forums that discuss the impact of the ACA on New Yorkers. To find out about upcoming events in your area, contact your local HEP organizer whose information is on our website at www.healthcareeducationproject.org. (Look under ‘Contact.’)
Since January, HEP, along with New Yorkers for Healthcare, has been participating in a series of forums to discuss the impact of repealing the ACA without a proper replacement. Expert panelists discuss what is happening locally and at the federal level, and community members share stories and their own experiences. To find out about these events in your community, contact your local HEP organizer, or visit http://newyorkersforhealthcare.org.