Last year, HEP launched a statewide initiative to bring information on breast cancer screenings, as well as mobile screening services, to women in New York State. HEP’s healthcare advocates organized breast cancer forums in New York City, Long Island, and Upstate. In partnership with providers, we set up mobile screening vans on site for free screenings. The response from the community was tremendous, with many women getting screened – some for the first time – and women and their families gathering information on diagnostic screenings.
The most common cancer among New York women is breast cancer. Yet many women do not go for regular screenings; some have never had a screening in their lives.
The reasons are usually related to cost, inconvenient hours, or not knowing the importance of screening. Early detection is the key to survival.
In 2016, Gov. Cuomo signed an important piece of legislation that removes many of these hurdles for women in New York. As a result:
✓ All New York State health insurance plans cover breast cancer screenings at no cost to the patient.
✓ Screening facilities offer extended hours during mornings and evenings, and even weekends.
In 2017, HEP will continue its breast cancer awareness campaign. Contact your local HEP organizer to find out where there is a HEP event near you, by visiting our website at www. healthcareeducationproject.org. (Look under ‘Contact.’)
To find out more about the state’s free screenings and diagnostic services, and locations for services, call 1-866-442-CANCER (2262) or visit www.nybreastcancerhelp.com