N.Y. ELECTION LAW SECTION 3-110i states that:
• If you do not have 4 consecutive hours to vote, either from the opening of the Polls to the beginning of your working shift, or between the end of your working shift and the closing of the polls, you may take off up to 2 hours, without loss of pay, to allow you time to vote if you are a registered voter.
• You may take time off at the beginning or end of your working shift, as your employer may designate, unless otherwise mutually agreed.
• You must notify your employer not less than 2 days, but not more than 10 days, before the day of the election that you will take time off to vote.
N.Y. Election Law (5-508) allows victims of domestic violence to apply for a confidential registration by delivering a sworn statement to their local county Board of Elections stating they are a victim of domestic violence and they wish to have their voter registration record kept confidential because of the threat of physical or emotional harm to themselves or a family or household member.
Their voter registration record will be kept separate and apart from other registration records for four years and not be made available for inspection or copying by the public or any other person, except election officials acting within the course and scope of their official duties.
They can also be excused from going to their polling place to vote and get a special ballot. For further information, please contact your local board of elections for their confidential registration and special ballot procedures.
Any voter who requests assistance is entitled to receive it, regardless of the reason.
The New York State Board of Elections has also made registering to vote accessible to all voters by offering multiple methods for completing a Voter Registration Form on our Voter Registration page.
The state strives to provide accessible polling locations.
If you are a person with a disability that impacts your ability to fill out a paper ballot, you can request an accessible screen-readable electronic absentee ballot.
College students in New York are permitted to register to vote at their school address!
College students can register to vote at either their parents/pre-college address or where they attend college, but cannot be registered in both locations.
Learn more – Student Voting Rights
Because of COVID-19, New York is facing a critical shortage of poll workers. Historically, 55 percent of all New York’s poll workers are over the age of 60, making them especially vulnerable to the pandemic. This has resulted in a significant need for poll workers. Poll Workers are needed:
Register to become a poll worker – Apply to be a Poll Worker
Notices of change of address from registered voters received by October 19, 2022 by a county board of elections must be processed and entered in the records in time for the General Election.